Wednesday, August 24, 2011


From: pedro gellert
Date: Monday, July 25, 2011, 12:29 PM

(favor de difundir)



Este próximo 26 de julio se conmemora el 58 aniversario del asalto al Cuartel Moncada, el inicio de la revolución cubana que triunfo el 1 de enero de 1959.

Durante cinco décadas las conquistas sociales obtenidas en campos como la educación, la ciencia, la salud, la cultura y los deportes; el apoyo de Cuba a las causas populares en el mundo y sus nuevos esfuerzos para consolidar el proceso revolucionario y asegurar su continuidad hacia el futuro, se traducen en que la revolución cubana sigue siendo un punto de referencia obligado para todos los que luchamos por la liberación de nuestros pueblos y por un mundo mejor.

Cuba es un ejemplo de que si es posible liberarse del dominio del imperio y resistir las políticas neoliberales y antipopulares; que sí es posible construir otro tipo de sociedad basada en los intereses de las grandes mayorías y en los ideales de la solidaridad humana. Cuba nos demuestra que a pesar de numerosos obstáculos, sí podemos triunfar y que otro mundo sí es posible.

¡Abajo el bloqueo norteamericano contra Cuba y demás políticas injerencistas!
¡Libertad para los 5 cubanos presos políticos en Estados Unidos!
¡Castigo para el terrorista Posada Carriles!
¡Viva la amistad entre los pueblos de México y Cuba!

Martes, 26 de julio de 2011, 5 p.m., del Hemiciclo a Juárez a la Embajada de Estados Unidos


Movimiento Mexicano de Solidaridad con Cuba
Movimiento de Solidaridad Nuestra América
Alianza de Organizaciones Sociales
Asociación de Padres y Familiares de las Víctimas de Sucumbíos, Ecuador
Izquierda Democrática Popular
Frente Popular Francisco Villa Independiente-UNOPII
Coordinadora de Solidaridad con Palestina
Unión Popular Revolucionaria Emiliano Zapata (UPREZ)-Benito Juárez
Frente Nacional del Movimiento Urbano Popular (FNAMUP)
Partido de la Revolución Democrática-DF
Frente del Pueblo en la Otra Campaña
Preparatoria Popular Tacuba
Movimiento de Unificación y Lucha Triqui
Zelzin Yoazihuatl A.C.
Palestina Ya
Unión Popular Revolucionaria Emiliano Zapata (UPREZ)-Centro
Colectivo Rosario Castellanos
Mercado Chinampac de Juárez
Partido del Trabajo
Consejo de Barrios La Raza
Siervos de la Nación
Frentes Torres X
Unión de Colonias Populares
Frente de Solicitantes de Vivienda
Sociedad Cooperativa, Trabajo, Esfuerzo y Realidad
Movimiento Proletario Independiente
Frente Nacional del Movimiento Urbano Popular (FNAMUP – DF)
Colectivo de Grupos de la Asamblea de Barrios de la Ciudad de México (CG-ABCM)
Organización Nacional del Poder Popular -PRP (ONPP -PRP)
Unión de Vecinos de la Colonia Guerrero (UVCG)
Unión Estrella (UE)
Frente Popular Francisco Villa (FPFV)
Brigadas Emiliano Zapata (BEZ-MÉX)
Partido Comunista de México
Partido Socialista Popular de México
Comité Magdalena Contreras de Solidaridad con Cuba
La Otra Salud (Colectivo adherente a la Otra Campaña)
Asociación Mexicana Contra el Cáncer Mamario A.C
Grupo Tacuba
Movimiento de Unidad Socialista
Partido Popular Socialista
Frente Tlatelolca en Defensa de Nuestra Economía
Jóvenes por el Socialismo – JPS
Ciudadanos en Movimiento-CIeM
Comité de Amistad y Solidaridad con Cuba "José Antonio Echeverría"
Asesoría Jurídica, Laboral y Sindical
Red Mexicana De Acción Frente Al Libre Comercio (Rmalc)
Asociación Frente Venceremos, A.C.
Comité Estudiantil Metropolitano
Colectivo La´j´k-Hormiga
Coordinadora Metropolitana de Movimientos Populares
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Culturales de la Zona Metropolitana (COCUME)
Grupo de Investigación y Difusión Sociocultural
Centro de Cultura y Biblioteca Emiliano Zapata
Organización Político Cultural-CLETA
Centro Cultural Ricardo Flores Magón
Asociación Cultural de Ayuda a la Comunidad
Centro Cultural Carlos Marx (ONPP)
Centro Educativo Cultural y de Organización Social
Talleres Comunitarios Gratuitos
Tv Neza
Frente de Escuelas Democráticas-Febrero 25
Unión de Promotores de la Cultura de Izquierda (UPCI)
Bia’lii, Asesoría e Investigación, A.C
Unión Popular Valle Gómez
Brigada Lázaro Cárdenas
Corriente Sindical Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-CNTE
Ollin Mexica
Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra
CGH Ho Chi Minh
Corriente en Lucha por la Revolución Socialista
Comité de Solidaridad y Derechos Humanos Monseñor Romero
Frente Cultural Revolucionario
Movimiento Mexicano Por La Paz Y El Desarrollo
Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT)
Movimiento Socialismo Nuevo
Vanguardia Ciudadana Pro Cooperación A. C
Red Nacional de Ciudadanos y Organizaciones por la Democracia
Frente Nacional de Organizaciones Braceroproa, A. C.
Organización Nacional del Poder Popular-Partido Revolucionario del Pueblo
Mexicanos Unidos
Mujeres en Movimiento Acción Social del MONAE
Coordinadora Mexicana de Solidaridad con Honduras
Movimiento de Lucha Popular
Comité Cabañas
Comité de Enlace Latinoamericano y Caribeño (CELC)
Sindicato de la Unión de Trabajadores del Instituto de Educación Media Superior del Distrito Federal (SUTIEMS)
Fundación Unidos por la Paz, la Justicia y el Medio Ambiente
Conferencia Internacional por la Paz y la Justicia
Movimiento Mexicano de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Iraní
Comité Amigos de Puerto Rico
Brújula Metropolitana
Epicentro Cultural Manuelita Sáenz
El Barzón Ciudad de México
Organización Social Patria Nueva
Centro Cultural Almaye
Movimiento Mexicano de Solidaridad con Palestina
Frente de Escuelas Democráticas Febrero 25
Izquierda Democrática en América Latina (IDEAL)
Movimiento Nacional por la Esperanza
Partido de la Revolución Democrática
Taller Universitario de Derechos Humanos
Frente de Izquierda de Ecatepec por el Estado de México
Grupo Vamos (Vanguardia de Movimiento Social-GAM)
Asociación de Autoridades Locales de México, A.C.
Generación Nueva Esperanza
Juventudes Tlalpan
INBA D111 22
Movimiento Nacional Organizado “Aquí Estamos” (MONAE)
PRD-Delegacional Cuauhtémoc
PRD-Delegacional Gustavo A. Madero
PRD-Delegacional Coyoacán
PRD-Delegacional Milpa Alta
Sindicato Independiente del Colegio de Bachilleres (SINTCB)
Sindicato Nacional de Empleados y Trabajadores del Nacional Monte de Piedad (SNETNMP)
Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores y Sindicalistas Valentín Campa
Sindicato Unico Nacional de Trabajadores de Nacional Financiera (SUNTNAFIN)
Mil Mujeres Trabajando X México
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Metlife
Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas
Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores
Sindicato Independiente de Trabajadores del CONACYT
Vecinos por una Patria Nueva
Comité Internacional Benito Juárez
Coordinadora Regional del Sur
Ciudadanos en Movimiento-Grupo Izquierda Socialista
Movimiento Alternativa Social
Movimiento de Escuelas y Centros Comunitarios de Ecatepec
Frente Unidos Venceremos
Congreso Popular Social y Ciudadano
Movimiento 23 de Septiembre
Cristianos Comprometidos en las Luchas Populares
Movimiento Juvenil por la Esperanza
Juventudes de Izquierda Democrática Nacional
Compartiendo Amor y Esperanza
Ciudadanos Constituyentes en Movimiento, A.C.
Unión de Comerciantes Generalísimo Morelos
Movimiento Ciudadano Independiente (MCI)
Frente de Izquierda Estudiantil Universitaria
Juventudes Resistencia
Círculo de Estudios Ricardo Flores Magón
Asociación Civil Unión y Fuerza Vecinal AC
Federación Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos-CNPA-MN
Colectivo Popular de Propaganda
Unión de Trabajadores de la Cultura
Izquierda Democrática Nacional
Colectivo de Lucha Popular
Unión General de Trabajadores de México
Unión Revolucionaria de Trabajadores del Arte (URTARTE)
Frente Democrático Nacional de Organizaciones Sociales y Productivas (FDNOSYP)
Asamblea de Barrios
Instituto de Atención del Adulto mayor (IAAM)
Organización Nacional del Poder Popular (ONPP)
Colectivo Ricardo Flores Magón
Asamblea General de Trabajadores
Movimiento Indígena Obrero Campesino Urbano y Popular (MIOCUP)
Colectivo de Grupos “Emiliano Zapata”
Movimiento Democrático 4 de Octubre
Colectivo “Conciencia” STC Metro
Coordinadora Nacional “Plan de Ayala (CNPA)
Colectivo de Unidad Democrática
Unidad Democrática Nacional (UDENA)
Conciencias Revolucionarias (CORE)
Circulo Morelista Bolivariano de Ecatepec (CIMOBE)
Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de México
Organización Popular Urbana Socialista
Unión General de Obreros y Campesinos de México (UGOCM)
Centro Cultural Camilo Cienfuegos
Colectivo Comunista Memoria y Libertad
Organización Popular Lombardista
Palabra y Realidad del Magisterio A.C. (PAREMAG)
Amigos por la Democracia
Nueva Izquierda – Iztapalapa
Movimiento Nacional por la Construcción de una Nueva Sociedad
Creando un Mundo Diferente A.C.
Expresión Socialista Democrática y Libertaria
Ala Ciudadana del DF
Coordinadora de Cuartos de Azotea de Tlatelolco-Alternativas Urbanas (CCAT-UCAI-AU)
Movimiento Ciudadano del Sur
Comisión de Diversidad Sexual PRD-DF
Nueva Izquierda Nueva Generación (Martín Contreras)
Nueva Izquierda Nueva Generación (Alvaro Obregón)
Frente Amplio por la Democracia
Frente Unidos por la Izquierda (FUPI)
Frente Amplio Popular de Organizaciones
Consejo Ciudadano para el Desarrollo Sustentable A.C.
Unión Democrática de Organizaciones Sociales (UDOS) Campamento 2 de octubre
Movimiento Nacional por la Esperanza en Iztacalco
Expresión Ciudadana de Impulso Comunitaria
Frente Cívico del Norte A.C.
Organización Democrática de Iztacalco
Movimiento Cívico Popular
Sociedad Cooperativa Tleyotl
Organización Nueva Era AC
Foro Social Metropolitano
Nueva Generación
Fundación Clara Patricia Lemoine Escalona
La Comuna AC
Asociación Promotora Nacional para el Desarrollo Rural y Urbano
Movimiento Ciudadano Mexiquense
Perspectiva, Investigación, Consulta y Soluciones (PICS)
Alianza de Tranviarios de México
Frente Ciudadano 10 de Diciembre
Asamblea de Barrios Vanguardia Ciudadana
Coordinadora de Colonias de Ecatepec en la Otra Campaña
Coalición Popular Independiente del Ajusco Medio (CPI-Ajusco Medio)
Centro de Investigación Labor y Asesoría Sindical (CILAS)
Comité Mexicano de Solidaridad con Bolivia
Enlaces Ciudadanos Trabajando por Ti, AC
Movimiento Revolucionario de Masas
Red de Izquierda Revolucionaria
Grupo de Acción Revolucionaria
Brigada Multidisciplinaria de Apoyo a las Comunidades de México
Juventud Revolucionaria
Militante-Corriente Marxista Internacional
Comité de Lucha Estudiantil del Politécnico-Comité Estudiantil en Defensa de la Educación Pública (CLEP-CEDEP)
Coordinadora de Cuartos de Azotea de Tlatelolco-Unión de Cuartos de Azotea e Inquilinos (CCAT-UCAI)
Federación Nacional de Ferrocarrileros Jubilados
Movimiento de Unidad Social por un Gobierno del Pueblo (MUSOC-GP)
Comité Ejecutivo Nacional Democrático del SNTE
Casa Nacional de Estudiantes (HCNE)
Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano
Central Organizaciones Campesinas y Populares (COCyP)
Frente Amplio de Acción Popular (FRAPP)
Organización Indígena Nunca Más un México Sin Nosotros (OINMMSN)
Coordinadora Nacional en Defensa de la Vivienda Popular (CNDVP)
Colectivo Autónomo de Mujeres en Lucha
Movimiento de Liberación Nacional
Movimiento Nacional por la Construcción de una Nueva Sociedad-Democrática
Corriente Sindical Independiente y Democrática (COSID)
Sindicato Independiente de Trabajadores de la Universidad Autónoma de México
Procesos Integrales para la Autogestión de los Pueblos
Universitarios en Resistencia
Liga de Unidad Socialista
Coordinadora Nacional Plan de Ayala-Movimiento Nacional
Unión Democrática de Mujeres Mexicanas
Rescatando Iztapalapa
Liga Mexicana de Derechos Humanos
Movimiento de Bases Magisteriales
Socialismo Revolucionario México
Grupo Democracia Revolucionaria – UNAM
Sector Obrero y de Trabajadores de la Ciudad, el Campo y el Mar de la Otra Campaña
Junta Maestra Abierta (JMA)
Directorio de la Izquierda Marxista (DIMARX)
Consejo Nacional Ludea
Escuela Nacional de Ajedrez (ESNAJ)
Grupo Alameda
Comité Carlos Marx
Cubículo Carlos Marx
Partido Líder de la Unidad Socialista (PLUS)
Partido Socialista de México (PSM)
Comité Regional Primer Centenario del Partido Socialista de México
Periódico “El Activista Regional”
Partido Comunista Mexicano
Partido del Trabajo-DF
Movimiento Guevara de la Serna
Periódico “La Voz de la Avenida Central”
Sindicato de Panaderos del Distrito Federal
Partido Popular Socialista-Histórico y Estatutario
Fundación Vicente Lombardo Toledano (FVLT)
Instituto Vicente Lombardo Toledano (IVLT)
Juventud Popular Socialista (JPS)
Organización de Pioneros “Vicente Lombardo Toledano”
Frente Revolucionario de Unidad Magisterial (FRUM)
Periódico “Combatiente”
Periódico “Maestros de México”
Revista “Nueva Democracia”
Gimnasio de Arte y Cultura
Universidad Obrera de México (UOM)
Revista “Trabajadores”
Universidad Mexicana de los Trabajadores “Ricardo Flores Magón”
Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales “Vicente Lombardo Toledano”
Federación Sindical Mundial-Sección México
Unidad Nacional Lombardista
Partido de los Comunistas
Partido de los Comunistas Mexicanos
Partido de la Revolución Socialista (PRS)
Partido Izquierda Unida (PIU)
Partido Popular Socialista Lombardista (PPSL)
Agrupación Política Nueva Democracia
Juventud Comunista de México
Movimiento Social Progresista de la República – DF
Movimiento Social Progresista de la República – Delegación Venustiano Carranza
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Secretaria de Desarrollo Social-Sección XXIII
Sindicato Internacional de Constructores de Elevadores-Sección México
Constitución y República Nuevo Milenio AC (CyR,NM)
Comité Nacional de Estudios de la Energía (CNEE)
Frente de Trabajadores de la Energía (FTE)
Frente Sindical Mexicano
Diálogo Nacional
Círculo de Estudios Guerrerense
Grupo “María Cristina”
Revista Forum
Coordinadora Nacional de Electricistas del Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores Electricistas de la República Mexicana (CNE-SUTERM)
Poder Ciudadano, APC
Asociación Profesional Interdisciplinaria de México, Acción Ciudadana (APIMAC)
Círculo de Estudios del Centro Histórico
Movimiento Bolivariano de los Pueblos en México
Unidad Obrera y Socialista (Uníos)
Unión de Vecinos y Damnificados 19 de Septiembre
Comité de Lucha de la Escuela Superior de Economía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CL-ESE-IPN)
Profesores y Académicos Democráticos de la Escuela Superior de Economía del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Comité Organizador de los Festejos del 75° Aniversario del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Asociación Nacional de Egresados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Rumbo Proletario-Chapingo y Texcoco
Movimiento Revolucionario del Magisterio (MRM)
Asamblea Nacional de la Izquierda Socialista
Frente Socialista
Asamblea Comunitaria Maderense
Consejo Nacional de los Trabajadores
Federación Sindical Revolucionaria
Central Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos (CIOAC
Coordinación Nacional de Organizaciones Cañeras Independientes (CENOCI)
Central Campesina Cardenista (CCC)
Federación de Pueblos Rurales
Coalición Nacional Campesina y Urbana (CNCU)
Sindicato de Trabajadores del INCA Rural (STINCA)
Frente Popular Francisco Villa Siglo XXI (FPFV SXXI)
Frente de Lucha Estudiantil Julio Antonio Mella FLE-JAM
Asociación Interdisciplinaria de Cooperación Social
Cine Itinerante José Revueltas
Sindicato de Trabajadores Administrativos de la Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo
Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de la Industria Nuclear
Sindicato de Telefonistas de la República Mexicana
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (STUNAM)

Firmas solidarias de los estados:

Instituto de Relaciones Culturales Mexicano Cubanas " Flores Magón- Mella"- Xalapa, Ver
Movimiento Oaxaqueño de Solidaridad con Cuba
Instituto Cultural Cubano Mexicano José Martí A.C. (Puebla)
Frente Amplio Comunidades Marginadas del Edo. de Oaxaca
Corriente Crítica de México-Acapulco
Red Juvenil Oaxaqueño de Solidaridad con Cuba
Consejo Autónomo Regional de la Zona Costa de Chiapas
Maderas del Pueblo del Sureste, AC (Chiapas)
Unidad Cívica Felipe Carrillo Puerto
Amigos de Cuba en Reynosa
Instituto Mexicano-Cubano de Relaciones Culturales "José Martí" de Guadalajara
Comité Estatal de Solidaridad con Cuba en Aguascalientes
Consejo Ciudadano de la Cultura y las Artes de Morelos, A.C. (CCCAM)
Foro Maya Peninsular de Yucatán y Quintana Roo (CNI)
Jóvenes con el ALBA
Frente Patriótico "Othón Salazar"
Frente Regional Ciudadano en Defensa de la Soberanía
Expresión Política del PRD Gral. Francisco J. Múgica – Michoacán
Comité Tampico-Madero Va por Cuba
Red de Defensa Ciudadana
Organización Campesina de la Sierra del Sur
Colectivo José Martí – Oaxaca
Partido Salarios Altos Precios Bajos-Guanajuato
Unidad de la Fuerza Indígena y Campesina, Jalisco

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mexico: Narconegocio del sistema

Mexico: Narconegocio del sistema
Salvador González Briceño

¿Por qué se combate frontalmente cuando se deja intacto el corazón [las finanzas, el lavado, la venta de armas, etcétera] del ilícito negocio? ¿A qué intereses se protege entonces?

Ilícito, pero el narcotráfico —cultivo, procesamiento, trasiego, distribución en países y puntos específicos, y la venta— es uno de los peores negocios que impactan más negativamente a la sociedad. Pero jugoso negocio. Como en el caso de México que padece agudamente ese flagelo, y posee a uno de los narcotraficantes más sonados del mundo por encumbrado entre los hombres más ricos, según las listas de la revista Forbes. Y hasta prófugo, porque ¡se escapó de una cárcel de alta seguridad!

Pero es un negocio del sistema, desde el momento en que se señala a muchos operadores surgidos del gobierno, o que trabajan dentro de las estructuras del mismo; ya resulte que son protectores, infiltrados o implicados directos en alguna de las tantas tareas que exige, ya sigilosa, soterrada o descaradamente. Lo peor de todo es cuando el Estado no se ocupa de brindar seguridad a los ciudadanos, pero ¡es su responsabilidad!

Por lo tanto, el narcotráfico puede ser catalogado como uno de tantos negocios ilícitos, pero que como tales forman parte del propio sistema. Así sea de la descomposición del mismo. Es cuando el destino alcanza a un país, y el florecimiento de este tipo de actividades desborda un estatus de relativa normalidad social y convivencia pacífica. El ejemplo del paciente que está bien porque controla su enfermedad, hasta en tanto las secuelas lo colocan en un hospital y obligan a llevar un tratamiento complementario, y/o resulta que hasta le hace falta una nueva dosis o erradicar el mal con cirugía.

En una circunstancia similar se encuentra México. Porque el síndrome o el engendro del propio sistema, sobrepasó los límites de lo permisible, y de pronto se aparece por todas partes y de manera más cínica y agresiva se vuelve contra el sistema mismo. El Frankenstein que se vuelve contra su creador; el narco que vuelve cargado con millones de dólares, sin importar que en el camino queden miles de caídos.

De ese modo, cuando el negocio antes acotado brinca las trancas para entrar en disputa con el vecino de enfrente, lo hace porque aquél demanda el control del negocio en todas sus facetas: cultivo, territorio y mercado. Cuando los carteles de las drogas poseen cierto poder, por los ingresos millonarios del negocio, se dan a la tarea de disputarle al otro los términos del mismo. Y, una de dos, o gana el más fuerte o el que tiene la mayor protección o los mejores vínculos.

La sociedad es la que sale perdiendo en todo este galimatías. Por varias razones: es la que pone los muertos; es quien padece la violencia; carga con todas aquellas secuelas relativas a la descomposición de las familias, sociales y sicológicas, desarticuladas y empobrecidas; resulta víctima de la inacción del gobierno y el abandono del Estado, en todas aquellas tareas de su incumbencia, como la demandas de justicia y atender las violaciones a los derechos humanos.

Porque el narcotráfico es un jugoso negocio, es que no se atiende el problema como debe de ser. Por eso mismo se emprenden acciones por una sola vía; la ruta armada, como en el caso mexicano donde las Fuerzas Armadas (FA) están haciendo un trabajo que no les compete, constitucionalmente hablando. Por eso en la lista de responsabilidades por tamaña estrategia fallida está el jefe supremo de tales FA.

Porque, como dice el crítico estadounidense Noam Chomsky: “Cuando los líderes aplican durante décadas políticas que no tienen consecuencias para el objetivo declarado [combatir a las bandas del crimen organizado] y son muy costosas, uno debe preguntarse si están diciendo la verdad y si esas políticas son para otro objetivo, porque no reducen el uso de las drogas… [Y] sólo hay dos respuestas posibles: o todos los líderes están colectivamente locos, lo cual podemos descartar, o simplemente persiguen otros objetivos. En el extranjero [fuera de EU] es una campaña de contrainsurgencia; en casa, una forma de deshacerse de una población superflua —hay una correlación muy cercana de raza y clase—, no perfecta, pero casi: de hecho, los hombres negros están siendo hechos a un lado. En Colombia lo llamarían limpieza social. Aquí simplemente los ponen en las cárceles”. [Ver La Jornada, 17/VIII/2011, nota de la revista electrónica Guernica].

¿Por qué en México el Estado es utilizado para acciones unilaterales de este tipo, si el compromiso del gobierno de Felipe Calderón es proporcionar seguridad a la población, según sus propios dichos? ¿Por qué se combate frontalmente cuando se deja intacto el corazón [las finanzas, el lavado, la venta de armas, etcétera] del ilícito negocio? ¿A qué intereses se protege entonces?

¿Cuando el gobierno panista muestra su incompetencia, es porque avanza en acciones de contrainsurgencia? ¿Por qué México no protesta clara y abiertamente, también denuncia a nivel internacional las acciones de violación de la soberanía, por la política de intervención directa de Washington y sus agencias de espionaje y guerra en territorio y asuntos de interés sólo nacional?

¿Qué tanto está coludido el gobierno mexicano del PAN con el gobierno estadounidense de la “derecha” demócrata de Barack Obama, que el negocio del narcotráfico sigue avanzando en lugar de contenerse? ¿Por qué si la estrategia mexicana es fallida, el gobierno de Washington no hace lo propio para resolver el problema en su propio territorio? Máxime cuando, como señala el crítico estadounidense, Chomsky, el dilema no está en México sino en Estados Unidos.

En sus palabras: “El problema de las drogas está en Estados Unidos, no en México. Es un problema de demanda y tiene que ser abordado aquí, pero no es así. Se ha demostrado una y otra vez que la prevención y el tratamiento son mucho más efectivos en costos que la acción policiaca, operaciones fuera del país, control fronterizo y más. Pero el dinero va en otra dirección y nunca tiene impacto”.

En fin, que el del tráfico de drogas no es más que otro negocio del mundo de los negocios, donde a unos les toca trabajar y a los otros disfrutar sin hacer nada. Así son los negocios en el mundo de las finanzas, ¿no? Porque, “los gobiernos no están para servir a sus ciudadanos; trabajan para sus bases [jefes] principales”, que son sobre todo los intereses del sector financiero. Un narconegocio donde la sociedad pone todo lo demás.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Horn of Africa Humanitarian Crisis

From: Ruben Morales
Subject: Horn of Africa Humanitarian Crisis
Date: Monday, August 8, 2011, 10:24 PM
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله.
(lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh, Muḥammad rasūlu-llāh) (in Translit).
There is no deity but The God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. (in English)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ibrahim Ali has shared a Huffington Post article with you

From: sontse07
Subject: Ibrahim Ali has shared a Huffington Post article with you
Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 2:11 PM

Ibrahim Ali has shared a Huffington Post article with you: "Tajikistan Mosque Ban Seeks To Curb Islam's Influence"


Sent by Ibrahim Ali


From: Sandra Ramos
Subject: Re: [MECA SoCAL] New Doc: URGENT MATTER
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 11:11 AM

Salaam Ruben, this is awful! I went to the exhibit twice and I did notice how rude many of the Muslim brothers and sisters were towards the employees. Most of these employees are young (students) who are trying to do their best. I hope we get as many volunteers as possible. I also hope that those who get to read this are more aware of their negative attitudes. This is not a welcoming attitude towards Islam and we need to change that. Take Care. Thanks for sharing.

From: Ruben Morales
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 5:34 AM

Assaalamu alaikum brothers & sisters. i pray you are all in good health. i received this email (see attached emails) from a brother concerning the California science center exhibit on a 1001 inventions (Muslim contributions to civilization). if you know anyone interested or you are interested in participating please

Sherif Morsi

You can also get in touch with Meca Socal if you are interested at:

Jahan Hamid
510 517 5397

From: Idriss Fassassi
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:11 AM

Salaam Ruben. I thought you would be a good fit for this endeavor if you have the time.

From: Jahan Hamid
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:58 PM

The California Science Center (CSC) is looking for volunteers to help with the 1001 Inventions Exhibit. Their current employees are being severely mistreated by Muslims because of their lack of knowledge of Islam and Muslims. They are also being mistreated by non-Muslims bigots who challenge them by saying "this is not what Islam is about, Islam is about terrorism and violence."

The CSC has reached out to me to help recruit volunteers and possibly part time employees that are willing to work at the exhibit to answer the attendee's questions. Participants should be mature, well informed, and friendly where they can address the above issues in a pleasant, diplomatic manner. They will be ambassadors for the Muslim community.

If you know anyone or any group that would like to contribute to this effort, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Sherif Morsi

You can also get in touch with Meca Socal if you are interested at:
510 517 5397
Idriss Fassassi, MPH
Epidemiology Analyst
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Immunization Program
Cell: (240)678-2139

"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”~Albert Einstein
Assalmu Aliakum (Peace Be Upon you),

lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh .
There is no deity except Allah.


From: Ruben Morales
Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 5:34 AM

Assaalamu alaikum brothers & sisters. i pray you are all in good health. i received this email (see attached emails) from a brother concerning the California science center exhibit on a 1001 inventions (Muslim contributions to civilization). if you know anyone interested or you are interested in participating please

Sherif Morsi

You can also get in touch with Meca Socal if you are interested at:

Jahan Hamid
510 517 5397

From: Idriss Fassassi
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:11 AM

Salaam Ruben. I thought you would be a good fit for this endeavor if you have the time.

From: Jahan Hamid
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:58 PM

The California Science Center (CSC) is looking for volunteers to help with the 1001 Inventions Exhibit. Their current employees are being severely mistreated by Muslims because of their lack of knowledge of Islam and Muslims. They are also being mistreated by non-Muslims bigots who challenge them by saying "this is not what Islam is about, Islam is about terrorism and violence."

The CSC has reached out to me to help recruit volunteers and possibly part time employees that are willing to work at the exhibit to answer the attendee's questions. Participants should be mature, well informed, and friendly where they can address the above issues in a pleasant, diplomatic manner. They will be ambassadors for the Muslim community.

If you know anyone or any group that would like to contribute to this effort, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Sherif Morsi

You can also get in touch with Meca Socal if you are interested at:
510 517 5397
Idriss Fassassi, MPH
Epidemiology Analyst
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Immunization Program
Cell: (240)678-2139

"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”~Albert Einstein
Assalmu Aliakum (Peace Be Upon you),

lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh.
There is no deity except Allah.


From: Gustavo Ruiz
Subject: Peace
Date: Sunday, July 24, 2011, 6:31 PM

Assalam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

I wanted to share a couple files which I came across worth reading. With Ramadan near approaching, Inshallah these articles will help prepare and help you with useful hints, recommendations, and reminders. I would encourage you take the time to at least read one, Inshallah. Fi Aman Allah
Ego - The False Center

The first thing to be understood is what ego is. A child is born. A child is born without any knowledge, any consciousness of his own self. And when a child is born the first thing he becomes aware of is not himself; the first thing he becomes aware of is the other. It is natural, because the eyes open outwards, the hands touch others, the ears listen to others, the tongue tastes food and the nose smells the outside. All these senses open outwards.

That is what birth means. Birth means coming into this world, the world of the outside. So when a child is born, he is born into this world. He opens his eyes, sees others. 'Other' means the thou. He becomes aware of the mother first. Then, by and by, he becomes aware of his own body. That too is the other, that too belongs to the world. He is hungry and he feels the body; his need is satisfied, he forgets the body.

This is how a child grows. First he becomes aware of you, thou, other, and then by and by, in contrast to you, thou, he becomes aware of himself.

This awareness is a reflected awareness. He is not aware of who he is. He is simply aware of the mother and what she thinks about him. If she smiles, if she appreciates the child, if she says, "You are beautiful," if she hugs and kisses him, the child feels good about himself. Now an ego is born.

Through appreciation, love, care, he feels he is good, he feels he is valuable, he feels he has some significance.

A center is born.

But this center is a reflected center. It is not his real being. He does not know who he is; he simply knows what others think about him. And this is the ego: the reflection, what others think. If nobody thinks that he is of any use, nobody appreciates him, nobody smiles, then too an ego is born: an ill ego; sad, rejected, like a wound; feeling inferior, worthless. This too is the ego. This too is a reflection.

First the mother - and mother means the world in the beginning. Then others will join the mother, and the world goes on growing. And the more the world grows, the more complex the ego becomes, because many others' opinions are reflected.

The ego is an accumulated phenomenon, a by-product of living with others. If a child lives totally alone, he will never come to grow an ego. But that is not going to help. He will remain like an animal. That doesn't mean that he will come to know the real self, no.

The real can be known only through the false, so the ego is a must. One has to pass through it. It is a discipline. The real can be known only through the illusion. You cannot know the truth directly. First you have to know that which is not true. First you have to encounter the untrue. Through that encounter you become capable of knowing the truth. If you know the false as the false, truth will dawn upon you.

Ego is a need; it is a social need, it is a social by-product. The society means all that is around you - not you, but all that is around you. All, minus you, is the society. And everybody reflects. You will go to school and the teacher will reflect who you are. You will be in friendship with other children and they will reflect who you are. By and by, everybody is adding to your ego, and everybody is trying to modify it in such a way that you don't become a problem to the society.

They are not concerned with you.

They are concerned with the society.

Society is concerned with itself, and that's how it should be.

They are not concerned that you should become a self-knower. They are concerned that you should become an efficient part in the mechanism of the society. You should fit into the pattern. So they are trying to give you an ego that fits with the society. They teach you morality. Morality means giving you an ego which will fit with the society. If you are immoral, you will always be a misfit somewhere or other. That's why we put criminals in the prisons - not that they have done something wrong, not that by putting them in the prisons we are going to improve them, no. They simply don't fit. They are troublemakers. They have certain types of egos of which the society doesn't approve. If the society approves, everything is good.

One man kills somebody - he is a murderer.

And the same man in wartime kills thousands - he becomes a great hero. The society is not bothered by a murder, but the murder should be commited for the society - then it is okay. The society doesn't bother about morality.

Morality means only that you should fit with the society.

If the society is at war, then the morality changes.

If the society is at peace, then there is a different morality.

Morality is a social politics. It is diplomacy. And each child has to be brought up in such a way that he fits into the society, that's all. Because society is interested in efficient members. Society is not interested that you should attain to self-knowledge.

The society creates an ego because the ego can be controlled and manipulated. The self can never be controlled or manipulated. Nobody has ever heard of the society controlling a self - not possible.

And the child needs a center; the child is completely unaware of his own center. The society gives him a center and the child is by and by convinced that this is his center, the ego that society gives.

A child comes back to his home - if he has come first in his class, the whole family is happy. You hug and kiss him, and you take the child on your shoulders and dance and you say, "What a beautiful child! You are a pride to us." You are giving him an ego, a subtle ego. And if the child comes home dejected, unsuccessful, a failure - he couldn't pass, or he has just been on the back bench - then nobody appreciates him and the child feels rejected. He will try harder next time, because the center feels shaken.

Ego is always shaken, always in search of food, that somebody should appreciate it. That's why you continuously ask for attention.

You get the idea of who you are from others.

It is not a direct experience.

It is from others that you get the idea of who you are. They shape your center. This center is false, because you carry your real center. That is nobody's business. Nobody shapes it.

You come with it.

You are born with it.

So you have two centers. One center you come with, which is given by existence itself. That is the self. And the other center, which is created by the society, is the ego. It is a false thing - and it is a very great trick. Through the ego the society is controlling you. You have to behave in a certain way, because only then does the society appreciate you. You have to walk in a certain way; you have to laugh in a certain way; you have to follow certain manners, a morality, a code. Only then will the society appreciate you, and if it doesn't, you ego will be shaken. And when the ego is shaken, you don't know where you are, who you are.

The others have given you the idea.

That idea is the ego.

Try to understand it as deeply as possible, because this has to be thrown. And unless you throw it you will never be able to attain to the self. Because you are addicted to the center, you cannot move, and you cannot look at the self.

And remember, there is going to be an interim period, an interval, when the ego will be shattered, when you will not know who you are, when you will not know where you are going, when all boundaries will melt.

You will simply be confused, a chaos.

Because of this chaos, you are afraid to lose the ego. But it has to be so. One has to pass through the chaos before one attains to the real center.

And if you are daring, the period will be small.

If you are afraid, and you again fall back to the ego, and you again start arranging it, then it can be very, very long; many lives can be wasted.

I have heard: One small child was visiting his grandparents. He was just four years old. In the night when the grandmother was putting him to sleep, he suddenly started crying and weeping and said, "I want to go home. I am afraid of darkness." But the grandmother said, "I know well that at home also you sleep in the dark; I have never seen a light on. So why are you afraid here?" The boy said, "Yes, that's right - but that is MY darkness." This darkness is completely unknown.

Even with darkness you feel, "This is MINE."

Outside - an unknown darkness.

With the ego you feel, "This is MY darkness."

It may be troublesome, maybe it creates many miseries, but still mine. Something to hold to, something to cling to, something underneath the feet; you are not in a vacuum, not in an emptiness. You may be miserable, but at least you ARE. Even being miserable gives you a feeling of 'I am'. Moving from it, fear takes over; you start feeling afraid of the unknown darkness and chaos - because society has managed to clear a small part of your being.

It is just like going to a forest. You make a little clearing, you clear a little ground; you make fencing, you make a small hut; you make a small garden, a lawn, and you are okay. Beyond your fence - the forest, the wild. Here everything is okay; you have planned everything. This is how it has happened.

Society has made a little clearing in your consciousness. It has cleaned just a little part completely, fenced it. Everything is okay there. That's what all your universities are doing. The whole culture and conditioning is just to clear a part so that you can feel at home there.

And then you become afraid.

Beyond the fence there is danger.

Beyond the fence you are, as within the fence you are - and your conscious mind is just one part, one-tenth of your whole being. Nine-tenths is waiting in the darkness. And in that nine-tenths, somewhere your real center is hidden.

One has to be daring, courageous.

One has to take a step into the unknown.

For a while all boundaries will be lost.

For a while you will feel dizzy.

For a while, you will feel very afraid and shaken, as if an earthquake has happened. But if you are courageous and you don't go backwards, if you don't fall back to the ego and you go on and on, there is a hidden center within you that you have been carrying for many lives.

That is your soul, the self.

Once you come near it, everything changes, everything settles again. But now this settling is not done by the society. Now everything becomes a cosmos, not a chaos; a new order arises.

But this is no longer the order of the society - it is the very order of existence itself.

It is what Buddha calls Dhamma, Lao Tzu calls Tao, Heraclitus calls Logos. It is not man-made. It is the VERY order of existence itself. Then everything is suddenly beautiful again, and for the first time really beautiful, because man-made things cannot be beautiful. At the most you can hide the ugliness of them, that's all. You can decorate them, but they can never be beautiful.

The difference is just like the difference between a real flower and a plastic or paper flower. The ego is a plastic flower - dead. It just looks like a flower, it is not a flower. You cannot really call it a flower. Even linguistically to call it a flower is wrong, because a flower is something which flowers. And this plastic thing is just a thing, not a flowering. It is dead. There is no life in it.

You have a flowering center within. That's why Hindus call it a lotus - it is a flowering. They call it the one-thousand-petaled-lotus. One thousand means infinite petals. And it goes on flowering, it never stops, it never dies.

But you are satisfied with a plastic ego.

There are some reasons why you are satisfied. With a dead thing, there are many conveniences. One is that a dead thing never dies. It cannot - it was never alive. So you can have plastic flowers, they are good in a way. They are permanent; they are not eternal, but they are permanent.

The real flower outside in the garden is eternal, but not permanent. And the eternal has its own way of being eternal. The way of the eternal is to be born again and again and to die. Through death it refreshes itself, rejuvenates itself.

To us it appears that the flower has died - it never dies.

It simply changes bodies, so it is ever fresh.

It leaves the old body, it enters a new body. It flowers somewhere else; it goes on flowering.

But we cannot see the continuity because the continuity is invisible. We see only one flower, another flower; we never see the continuity.

It is the same flower which flowered yesterday.

It is the same sun, but in a different garb.

The ego has a certain quality - it is dead. It is a plastic thing. And it is very easy to get it, because others give it. You need not seek it, there is no search involved. That's why unless you become a seeker after the unknown, you have not yet become an individual. You are just a part of the crowd. You are just a mob.

When you don't have a real center, how can you be an individual?

The ego is not individual. Ego is a social phenomenon - it is society, its not you. But it gives you a function in the society, a hierarchy in the society. And if you remain satisfied with it, you will miss the whole opportunity of finding the self.

And that's why you are so miserable.

With a plastic life, how can you be happy?

With a false life, how can you be ecstatic and blissful? And then this ego creates many miseries, millions of them.

You cannot see, because it is your own darkness. You are attuned to it.

Have you ever noticed that all types of miseries enter through the ego? It cannot make you blissful; it can only make you miserable.

Ego is hell.

Whenever you suffer, just try to watch and analyze, and you will find, somewhere the ego is the cause of it. And the ego goes on finding causes to suffer.

You are an egoist, as everyone is. Some are very gross, just on the surface, and they are not so difficult. Some are very subtle, deep down, and they are the real problems.

This ego comes continuously in conflict with others because every ego is so unconfident about itself. Is has to be - it is a false thing. When you don't have anything in your hand and you just think that something is there, then there will be a problem.

If somebody says, "There is nothing," immediately the fight will start, because you also feel that there is nothing. The other makes you aware of the fact.

Ego is false, it is nothing.

That you also know.

How can you miss knowing it? It is impossible! A conscious being - how can he miss knowing that this ego is just false? And then others say that there is nothing - and whenever the others say that there is nothing they hit a wound, they say a truth - and nothing hits like the truth.

You have to defend, because if you don't defend, if you don't become defensive, then where will you be?

You will be lost.

The identity will be broken.

So you have to defend and fight - that is the clash.

A man who attains to the self is never in any clash. Others may come and clash with him, but he is never in clash with anybody.

It happened that one Zen master was passing through a street. A man came running and hit him hard. The master fell down. Then he got up and started to walk in the same direction in which he was going before, not even looking back.

A disciple was with the master. He was simply shocked. He said, "Who is this man? What is this? If one lives in such a way, then anybody can come and kill you. And you have not even looked at that person, who he is, and why he did it."

The master said, "That is his problem, not mine."

You can clash with an enlightened man, but that is your problem, not his. And if you are hurt in that clash, that too is your own problem. He cannot hurt you. And it is like knocking against a wall - you will be hurt, but the wall has not hurt you.

The ego is always looking for some trouble. Why? Because if nobody pays attention to you, the ego feels hungry.

It lives on attention.

So even if somebody is fighting and angry with you, that too is good because at least the attention is paid. If somebody loves, it is okay. If somebody is not loving you, then even anger will be good. At least the attention will come to you. But if nobody is paying any attention to you, nobody thinks that you are somebody important, significant, then how will you feed your ego?

Other's attention is needed.

In millions of ways you attract the attention of others; you dress in a certain way, you try to look beautiful, you behave, you become very polite, you change. When you feel what type of situation is there, you immediately change so that people pay attention to you.

This is a deep begging.

A real beggar is one who asks for and demands attention. And a real emperor is one who lives in himself; he has a center of his own, he doesn't depend on anybody else.

Buddha sitting under his bodhi tree...if the whole world suddenly disappears, will it make any difference to Buddha? -none. It will not make any difference at all. If the whole world disappears, it will not make any difference because he has attained to the center.

But you, if the wife escapes, divorces you, goes to somebody else, you are completely shattered - because she had been paying attention to you, caring, loving, moving around you, helping you to feel that you were somebody. Your whole empire is lost, you are simply shattered. You start thinking about suicide. Why? Why, if a wife leaves you, should you commit suicide? Why, if a husband leaves you, should you commit suicide? Because you don't have any center of your own. The wife was giving you the center; the husband was giving you the center.

This is how people exist. This is how people become dependent on others. It is a deep slavery. Ego HAS to be a slave. It depends on others. And only a person who has no ego is for the first time a master; he is no longer a slave. Try to understand this.

And start looking for the ego - not in others, that is not your business, but in yourself. Whenever you feel miserable, immediately close you eyes and try to find out from where the misery is coming and you will always find it is the false center which has clashed with someone.

You expected something, and it didn't happen.

You expected something, and just the contrary happened - your ego is shaken, you are in misery. Just look, whenever you are miserable, try to find out why.

Causes are not outside you. The basic cause is within you - but you always look outside, you always ask:

Who is making me miserable?
Who is the cause of my anger?
Who is the cause of my anguish?
And if you look outside you will miss.
Just close the eyes and always look within.
The source of all misery, anger, anguish, is hidden in you, your ego.
And if you find the source, it will be easy to move beyond it. If you can see that it is your own ego that gives you trouble, you will prefer to drop it - because nobody can carry the source of misery if he understands it.

And remember, there is no need to drop the ego.

You cannot drop it.

If you try to drop it, you will attain to a certain subtle ego again which says, "I have become humble."

Don't try to be humble. That's again ego in hiding - but it's not dead.

Don't try to be humble.

Nobody can try humility, and nobody can create humility through any effort of his own - no. When the ego is no more, a humbleness comes to you. It is not a creation. It is a shadow of the real center.

And a really humble man is neither humble nor egoistic.

He is simply simple.

He's not even aware that he is humble.

If you are aware that you are humble, the ego is there.

Look at humble persons.... There are millions who think that they are very humble. They bow down very low, but watch them - they are the subtlest egoists. Now humility is their source of food. They say, "I am humble," and then they look at you and they wait for you to appreciate them.

"You are really humble," they would like you to say. "In fact, you are the most humble man in the world; nobody is as humble as you are." Then see the smile that comes on their faces.

What is ego? Ego is a hierarchy that says, "No one is like me." It can feed on humbleness - "Nobody is like me, I am the most humble man."

It happened once:

A fakir, a beggar, was praying in a mosque, just early in the morning when it was still dark. It was a certain religious day for Mohammedians, and he was praying, and he was saying, "I am nobody. I am the poorest of the poor, the greatest sinner of sinners."

Suddenly there was one more person who was praying. He was the emperor of that country, and he was not aware that there was somebody else there who was praying - it was dark, and the emperor was also saying:

"I am nobody. I am nothing. I am just empty, a beggar at our door." When he heard that somebody else was saying the same thing, he said, "Stop! Who is trying to overtake me? Who are you? How dare you say before the emperor that you are nobody when he is saying that he is nobody?"

This is how the ego goes. It is so subtle. Its ways are so subtle and cunning; you have to be very, very alert, only then will you see it. Don't try to be humble. Just try to see that all misery, all anguish comes through it.

Just watch! No need to drop it.

You cannot drop it. Who will drop it? Then the DROPPER will become the ego. It always comes back.

Whatsoever you do, stand out of it, and look and watch.

Whatsoever you do - humbleness, humility, simplicity - nothing will help. Only one thing is possible, and that is just to watch and see that it is the source of all misery. Don't say it. Don't repeat it - WATCH. Because if I say it is the source of all misery and you repeat it, then it is useless. YOU have to come to that understanding. Whenever you are miserable, just close the eyes and don't try to find some cause outside. Try to see from where this misery is coming.

It is your own ego.

If you continuously feel and understand, and the understanding that the ego is the cause becomes so deep-rooted, one day you will suddenly see that it has disappeared. Nobody drops it - nobody can drop it. You simply see; it has simply disappeared, because the very understanding that ego causes all misery becomes the dropping. THE VERY UNDERSTANDING IS THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE EGO.

And you are so clever in seeing the ego in others. Anybody can see someone else's ego. When it comes to your own, then the problem arises - because you don't know the territory, you have never traveled on it.

The whole path towards the divine, the ultimate, has to pass through this territory of the ego. The false has to be understood as false. The source of misery has to be understood as the source of misery - then it simply drops.

When you know it is poison, it drops. When you know it is fire, it drops. When you know this is the hell, it drops.

And then you never say, "I have dropped the ego." Then you simply laugh at the whole thing, the joke that you were the creator of all misery.

I was just looking at a few cartoons of Charlie Brown. In one cartoon he is playing with blocks, making a house out of children's blocks. He is sitting in the middle of the blocks building the walls. Then a moment comes when he is enclosed; all around he has made a wall. Then he cries, "Help, help!"

He has done the whole thing! Now he is enclosed, imprisoned. This is childish, but this is all that you have done also. You have made a house all around yourself, and now you are crying, "Help, help!" And the misery becomes a millionfold - because there are helpers who are also in the same boat.

It happened that one very beautiful woman went to see her psychiatrist for the first time. The psychiatrist said, "Come closer please." When she came closer, he simply jumped and hugged and kissed the woman. She was shocked. Then he said, "Now sit down. This takes care of my problem, now what is your problem?"

The problem becomes multifold, because there are helpers who are in the same boat. And they would like to help, because when you help somebody the ego feels very good, very, very good - because you are a great helper, a great guru, a master; you are helping so many people. The greater the crowd of your followers, the better you feel.

But you are in the same boat - you cannot help.

Rather, you will harm.

People who still have their own problems cannot be of much help. Only someone who has no problems of his own can help you. Only then is there the clarity to see, to see through you. A mind that has no problems of its own can see you, you become transparent.

A mind that has no problems of its own can see through itself; that's why it becomes capable of seeing through others.

In the West, there are many schools of psychoanalysis, many schools, and no help is reaching people, but rather, harm. Because the people who are helping others, or trying to help, or posing as helpers, are in the same boat.

...It is difficult to see one's own ego.

It is very easy to see other's egos. But that is not the point, you cannot help them.

Try to see your own ego.

Just watch it.

Don't be in a hurry to drop it, just watch it. The more you watch, the more capable you will become. Suddenly one day, you simply see that it has dropped. And when it drops by itself, only then does it drop. There is no other way. Prematurely you cannot drop it.

It drops just like a dead leaf.

The tree is not doing anything - just a breeze, a situation, and the dead leaf simply drops. The tree is not even aware that the dead leaf has dropped. It makes no noise, it makes no claim - nothing.

The dead leaf simply drops and shatters on the ground, just like that.

When you are mature through understanding, awareness, and you have felt totally that ego is the cause of all your misery, simply one day you see the dead leaf dropping.

It settles into the ground, dies of its own accord. You have not done anything so you cannot claim that you have dropped it. You see that it has simply disappeared, and then the real center arises.

And that real center is the soul, the self, the god, the truth, or whatsoever you want to call it.

It is nameless, so all names are good.

You can give it any name of your own liking.

From Beyond the Frontier of the Mind by Osho
Secrets of Ablution/Wudu and Power in the Hands
First Step: understanding wudu and the importance of the hands
By Shaykh Hisham al-Kabbani


Allah (swt) showed us what is right and what is wrong. And what is right is very well explained by Prophet (s), and what is wrong is very well explained by Prophet (s). And what benefits us, Prophet was the first to explain it. Wa ma arsalnaaka illa rahmatan lil `alameen. Whatever benefits us, he was responsible to deliver, or else he will be asked why he hid it.

Allah (swt) trusted the Prophet with whatever He created, and whatever He created was released through the Prophet’s message. So through Allah’s message, Prophet (a) was able to reach every person, both in his time and after his time. He was the first one who taught Sahaba (r) the use of energy and what is available of different powers around us in this world.

There are many ways that the Prophet has shown us to heal, one of which is described in the Hadith of the blind man who asked the Prophet to restore his sight.

The Prophet taught him the dua to recite, but he didn’t say to him, “Go and read this dua.”

He (s) said to that blind man, “The first step is to go to the ablution area and make ablution.” It means ablution is the opening for the cure of every sickness. If you don’t have ablution, your effort to cure that disease will be minimal.

Wherever you are reaching, high levels of struggling against the ego and preventing the desires of the ego, using that power when you contradict the ego, building the power more and more, when the negative energy goes away from you, the positive energy increases.

But with ablution that will be thousands and thousand times more powerful than what it used to be. So Prophet (s) said, “Go and make ablution.”

The first level of wudu
When you make wudu, other than niyyat [intention] what is first action? It is washing the hands up to wrist, and in between the fingers. When you are washing the hands, it means the first movement you are doing is using the hands, so the first level of energy is in the hands.

That is why you see people who are attempting to learn from and adopt Islamic ways, especially the people of India and China who believe in Bhuddism, first they use their hands as a method to release energy from their body, because they collect energy through their body like a dish, or a parabola.

They collect these energies and release them through their hands. The body acts as a collector of energy. Through their different movements of very stressful exercises throughout their body, they begin to acquire that kind of energy and concentrate it and release it through their hands. To heal sick people. Everything that they use in healing has an effect using energy.

The best example of this is laser surgery, which, through modern technology, uses laser light to cure eye disease and even blindness. They don’t use equipment anymore, only lasers.

So the blind man, when he asked the Prophet (s), the Prophet gave him a hint that through the release of energy, that blindness will go. Fourteen hundred years ago the Prophet healed blindness through energy. So what do we learn from this? Make ablution, and clean yourself.

This is why he (s) said, “The weapon that protects you from the enemy is ablution.”

Wudu can release energy and burn it by releasing it through the hands. The blind man learned that and used it, which we will discuss later.

The actions of wudu
That man went through many different actions and was cured instantly of blindness. Therefore, when you take ablution:

Wash your hands and then rub them;

Turn the right over the left and the left over the right. You cannot begin with left over right; you must begin with right over left; then,

Clean between the fingers and intersect the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand, coming like this, with the right thumb on the left and the left thumb on the right.

They use this in the Buddhist methods of healing without knowing the Islamic secret. They release this energy to the afflicted areas of the body. First, you are using ten fingers. Ten (10) is the power of computer energy, one and zero. That energy that Allah taught computer programmers is being channeled to computers through hands, and you are seeing all the miraculous power of computers.

So if the computer has that great power, that energy can also be channeled to heal. They use it without knowing why; they don’t know the Islamic aspect, which is the one and zero. That is why you see if you open your hands and draw a line (connecting the fingertips) you form a circle. It is 20 cm. around.

So the hand represents the body, and as you open the body to form a circle, the entire body is in the hand, just as they teach in reflexology. Through different points in the body you can heal. The higher level through reflexology is not to touch; in that case, the hands act as a receiver of positive energy, and when the hands are extended like a satellite dish (as they teach in Islamic healing), without thinking or imagining, but posing your body as a complete circle, energy emanating from the cosmos is transmitted to you and your body receives it, pulling it through your body and concentrating it through the heart. This is a 15-minute meditative technique that we will discuss later.

Symbolically, this is how the whole body is a circle and the hand is a circle. The body acquires that energy, receiving it from the left hand and right hand, and channeling it throughout the body.

So when you begin washing the hands and rubbing to activate them, that is sign of one and zero, and you are actually activating the codes Allah has given us through the hands. This is why we begin to rub right over left and left over right. If you stand in a mirror, you see in your reflection the left is right and the right is left. If you stand with your arms spread, you see the opposite. If you are looking from the other side, the left becomes right and right becomes left. That is because we are an image of the reality.

In Heaven the left is the right and the right is the left. This means the right must submit to the left, because in the `alam al-arwaah, the right is left and the left is right. Here in dunya is the opposite: the right is left, while in akhira the left is right! Here in dunya, when we make tawaaf of Ka’aba Shareef we move anti-clockwise, not clockwise, which is the mirror image of clockwise in akhira, where we move left to right: clockwise.

To activate that power, Allah is telling us, “I am activating your powers from the 99 Beautiful Names and Attributes that I stamped in your hands.”

Rubbing produces fire from two sticks. Rubbing produces energy. By rubbing the hands during wudu, the water prevents the energy from going out; it freezes it. That is why the Silah al-mumin al-wudu (The weapon of the believer is ablution.) As soon as you rub, that creates energy and by rubbing under water that keeps the energy in the body to be released later. When we rub our hands we are preparing energy to keep it and to save for use against the enemy.

When we want to heal we don’t use water.
Using water during wudu, we are collecting and storing energy. In healing, we rub with no water and open the hand to release that energy. How is that code activated? If you look at your right hand on it is the Arabic number 18 and on the

left hand is the Arabic number 81. 18 plus 81 represents the 99 Names of Allah, each number consisting of one (1) and eight (8). One plus eight (18), and eight plus one (81) together make 99. Add 99 together (18 = 1+8 and 8+1 = 81) and you get 9.

This explains the meaning of the nine points of the self, which represent the nine awliya responsible for the self. These nine points are used in the Enneagram; a teaching from Central Asia, from Naqshbandi people, which I once explained. They use this in a linear way, but in fact it is a circle. If you talk to (----), I taught her how to use that. They have nine bullet points that consist of the whole system, the whole body.

When you rub the fingers you activate the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah, which in turn activate the nine points that are on your body. By example we could say when the nine points are activated, the receiver is now on, energy goes in, it begins to receive, and it is digitized and released as a picture and a sound, much like we are seeing today with digital technology.

Similarly, the hands are circles, and when we rub them and open them they begin to act as circles over each other, taking whatever energy they receive and managing it. That is why in martial arts they use the hands, but they don’t know why it is energy; they don’t know about the 99 Names and Attributes and how they are protected through the Names. They don’t know, but nevertheless, Allah gives to whomever He pleases. He lets them use those powers; they know there is a power there but don’t know why. They make quick moves and use that to defend themselves and protect others and to defeat the enemy.

When Prophet (s) healed Sayyidina `Ali’s eye, he opened for him that Reality. That is why through that energy he has in his hands, he was able to carry the world to his knees, because that energy was carrying the world to his knees.

So when you are activating the 8 and 1 and 1 and 8 (which are the 99 Names), in numerology nine is equal to zero and you don’t add this number, for it doesn’t exist anymore. It means submission, complete submission, when you activate that energy you are under that energy’s submission, submitting to that Heavenly energy that is coming.

Becoming a conduit for Allah’s cosmic healing energies
You are no longer seeing yourself acting but that energy is acting, you become zero. Like going in a plane or train or car; they each submit to the person driving them. You submit to the energy coming and you release it out. Your body becomes like a receiver and a reflector. TV receivers only act as receiver that reflects the image. It is not them doing the job; it is the Heavenly energy doing the job.

That shows us how far we can go with these numbers when we activate them together – the 18 and the 81 ‑ and the significance of the 18 and the 81. We will leave that to another session.

Why is it 18 and why is it 81? This is significant, and I don’t know even what will come. That is an introduction to these different techniques that they are trying to adopt without knowing its background, and how they can affect more through their healing.

So after rubbing the hands and expediting the release of energy, you still end up on 19. (Here is 18 and here is 81. Add them and you get 99. Add 9 and 9, you get 18. Add the 1 and 8, you get 9. So you activated the 9.)

When you rub and activate the nine, now you pass the water (if you check, those who know how to make wudu, not everyone knows to intersect the fingers), then you are activating the 10. The 10 and the nine, comes to 19. And recently they found that every ayat in the Holy Qur’an is on 19. And that 19, wa yahmilu arsh arrahmani yawmadhin thamaaniyya. “…and eight will, that Day, bear the Throne of thy Lord above them. (69:17) And those holding Hellfire are 19.

Hell is energy, so that is the power of energy. You are activating the negative energy to heal the negative energy. You need poison to heal poison – that is why they give antibiotics. That 19 is the number of angels responsible for Hellfire. So you use that negative energy that comes from them. If you multiply by negative you get positive. You heal sickness by fire that comes from Hellfire.

When that energy is released, it completely breaks down the poison in the system. That is how you activate the 19 together. The 8, which relates to the 8 here, the 1 and 8 and the 8 and the 1.

When Allah’s Throne comes on Judgment Day, eight angels are carrying it. It means they are carrying the 1; the 8 is carrying the 1. Allah reveals that in our hands. You are also activating the good energy when you release it. After you destroy the negative energies with negative energy, you want to dress them with the 8 and the 1 (the good, Heavenly energy). That is why the ill people then feel strong and that they are cured.

When you activate that Heavenly energy by rubbing the hands, you are activating the number nine; that is complete submission. Now you are letting your body submit to the cosmic energy that you receive, which is fiery energy.

When you activate with the 10 you are activating the energy. That negative energy is not bad because it is the power of the negative one, and you defeat the enemy by using tools of that enemy. An example of this is the energy from Sun, which is a fire energy but at the same time it is healing and useful. You use negative to heal negative, to destroy it completely. In this way, you leave them with nothing (clean), and then activate the 8 and the 1.

Insha`Allah we will continue with more on healing soon.
Concentration in Prayer
by Jameel Kermalli
Spiritual Journey

From: Ruben Morales
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2011 7:29 AM
Subject: Memorizing the Qur'an, Recitation, and Pratice.

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Assalmu Aliakum (Peace Be Upon you),

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
(lā ʾilāha ʾillallāh, Muḥammad rasūlu-llāh)